Like it Happened Yesterday by Ravinder Singh


Like it Happened Yesterday by Ravinder Singh

‘Like It Happened Yesterday’ is about a childhood gone bye. By way of a fictional journey, the author recaptures stories about school, hounding examinations, essential vaccinations and other mores that are part of anyone’s childhood spent in smaller cities and towns of the country. The book captures the author’s emotions beautifully he felt when growing up. The storytelling is vivid and intense for one can feel the serenity, enthusiasm, pain and joy through the pages. Be it starting out in school with a first day in class among strange kids, the biting pain of a hurtful tooth when it struck for the first time and other such stories that we all can relate to easily

The first book I Too Had A Love Story is largely autobiographical, where Ravinder Singh narrates the tale lived. He has a knack for humor and has over the years built a steady base of readers for his writings.